7 December 2012


We have done a higher than average amount of sight-seeing during our visits to Le Grand-Pressigny this year, including four châteaux.

Here are an exterior view and an interior view for each one.  Can you identify the châteaux and match up the right outsides with the right insides? 

In case you need any help, all the châteaux have appeared in posts earlier in the year – although possibly not these exact photos……I don’t want to make it too easy this time !!

Sunday 9th December:

Does this puzzle have you stumped or is everyone out doing their Christmas shopping ??!!

I have decided to give you a helping hand…….

mystery chateau1

Photo A:  Rivau

 mystery chateau2

Photo B

 mystery chateau3 Photo C


mystery chateau4 Photo D


mystery chateau5 Photo E


mystery chateau6

Photo F: Montpoupon


mystery chateau7Photo G: Villandry 


mystery chateau8

Photo H: Fougères-sur-Bièvre

Good luck !!

And bon weekend !!


  1. We have not seen any of the Châteaux in your region, but it looks like we are in for some great viewing when we make it up that way. Keep well Diane

  2. Jean, I have no clue. I know I've seen the hanging chateau (photo D) sometime this year, but that's all I can tell you. Your more knowledgeable readers must be sitting on their hands to give other people a chance this time around! I'll check back to see what the answers are.

    They are all good photos, by the way.
