9 April 2015



If you ever wondered what a bidet was for, now you know!

Daisy made herself very much at home when we stayed in Tim and Gaynor’s house.  The bidet was her favourite spot for catching up on sleep in the afternoon.

We have moved back chez nous, but things are hectic.  An update will follow as soon as I have the time, and as soon as I have finished spitting nails.  Which may give you a clue to how well things are going.

Bon weekend!


  1. Cats often take a fancy to the bidet. Simon told me what was going on with the kitchen. I'd be absolutely furious.

  2. Cats are such wonderful creatures! They know how to get the best out of every situation! Wish I could have one, but the lease on my apartment reads I can't have pets :(
    Good luck! Martine

  3. Daisy looks a picture. What a character. I'm pleased that you're home although I don't like the sound of what is to follow.

  4. Keep strong and spitting those nails!

    Your plan (via email) sounds like a really good one and gives you back some control,

    Bon courage... x

  5. P.S. Daisy does look comfortable :o)

  6. Ah, to be as easy going and adaptable as Daisy. Have really enjoyed seeing the progress on the property. Have also really enjoyed not being the one living with it!

  7. We don't 'do' cats, but Daisy looks like she might just charm us enough to change our minds!

    1. Vera, we were a bit doubtful about having a cat but could see the benefit in dealing with the mice.
      Within hours of getting her we were besotted! She is adorable, clever, fearless and very efficient at eliminating the mice. I can't now imagine life without her!

  8. Daisy looks very comfortable, wish N was not allergic to them. Sounds like things are not going well but hope all will soon return to normal. Have a good weekend and try to enjoy the weather while it lasts. Diane

  9. I thankyou for clearing up that mystery.
