9 August 2019


This morning's trip to the supermarket in Loches introduced us to a new delight.
It's a sort of cheesecake made from goat's milk.
The Verneuil dairy is not far from us and produces milk, cheese, crème fraiche and, amongst other products I have not listed, this new gateau.  We often buy their dairy products so when the very pleasant young man was handing out slices of this to taste in the supermarket we couldn't resist.  Once tasted, we were hooked.  It was delicious!
I'm not huge cheesecake fan - all that fat and all those calories - but when the (quite nice looking) young man pointed out that the milk used has much less fat than cow's milk I thought - why not.  He suggests serving it with some coulis but I have a jar of caramel sauce that might be just right......calories - what calories ??  You can see their website here - turn the sound up!


  1. I too am not a cheesecake fan; I will stick to the goat cheese.

    1. Michael, I can really enjoy a cheesecake every so often, but not every week. Goats cheese makes a more or less daily appearance in some form or other in our house.

  2. Replies
    1. David, having looked at the forecast I think you are in for a very pleasant time. I hope you have a lovely holiday!

  3. I wonder if this Gâteau fromager au lait de chèvre would be about the same as the Verneuil goat cheese cake.

    1. Ken, it looks very similar and sounds delicious.
