22 October 2010


The Loire Valley area is pretty much wall-to-wall châteaux. There are big ones, small ones and absolutely huge ones. Some are beautiful and very popular as tourist destinations. Others are more every-day and less well known. Wherever you go, you are likely to see one peeping over the top of some trees. Or you will pass a magnificent set of gates and a long, long wall that conceals a château that you might just glimpse one across a well-groomed lawn or through some trees.


They are everywhere and quite a lot of them are still privately owned. We spotted the château at Palluau-sur-Indre from the road and decided to go into the village for a better look. Ken wrote about it here. I found his blog post when I put the château into Google.

When we enquired at the little tourist office in the town about the château, we learned that it was recently under new ownership and was due to re-open soon. The young lady we spoke to did not say how soon "soon" was but she did say that the new owner was a M. Norton.


The hotel in town was also very much closed up. It looked like it must have been quite something in its day. It also is due to re-open soon. I got the impression it had the same new owner. Lucky M. Norton. Getting both the château and the hotel ready for visitors must be quite a major undertaking.

There is a fine church at the foot of the château, which is very much not closed up. It was beautiful inside and there were signs that a wedding had recently taken place there.

We liked the little town of Palluau. It will be nice to go back for another look around some day, when the château has reopened for visitors.


  1. Great photos and I love that church. I don't think I would want to own a chateau even if I could afford it. Just think of all that house work and the cost of heating! Perhaps I could afford a team of servants though if I owned one and a forest to keep me supplied with wood :-) Diane

  2. Great pictures! Truly a lovely place.

    Though I think one of les petits chateaux is more like what we could handle.

  3. Norton (and the commune) has spent a lot of money on restoration over the years, but we hear that the chateau and auberge have been/are being sold to a new owner with a big cheque-book and even bigger plans.
    The place really comes alive during the annual medieval festival - not to be missed.
