3 October 2011


the english shelf

Browsing through the supermarket in Yzeures-sur-Creuse, I found myself in front of some familiar things, many of them costing at least twice what we would pay for them in the UK.

I don’t think I would miss any of them enough to pay as much as that.


  1. But I always wonder who would want Fray & Bentos steak & kidney pie in France??? Presumably it sells or the shop wouldn't stock it.
    Now marmite, on the other hand...

  2. I know the shelf, and exactly what you mean!!

  3. They have the same shelf in the Lot! Agree about the marmite -- a necessary ingredient for shepherd's pie!

  4. We think its the French who buy them.. We have similar shelves around us and we always wonder who decides what to stock... We have never ever bought anything from an English shelf!!

  5. MARMITE!!!!!!
    We take our tube of Vegimite (the improved Aussie version of Marmite)with us when travelling to France. Mind you, I have to turn the light on when brushing my teeth - just in case I make a mistake.

  6. I'd go for the salad cream...I miss it sorely.


  7. Ian - exactly! I once bought two Fray Bentos pies for my dad, thinking they would make easy and tasty dinners for him. He ate one and gave me the other back!

    Gaynor - it was my first encounter and took me by surprise.

    Broad - Marmite in shepherds pie - sounds lovely, must try that!

    C&E - I think it's the English, in disguise as French!

    Leon - luckily, Marmite comes in a jar, not a tube!

    SP - mayo is just not the same, I agree !!

  8. I'm with Colin and Elizabeth...

    Before it hit the 'exotic products' shelf as it was labelled, I used to have to get visitors to bring salad cream over for the daughter of a French friend who had become addicted while an au pair in London.

  9. I'd miss marmite.
    Thanks for comment on my blog- I love the idea of exchanging 2 muffins for a pair of shock absorbers!

  10. thank goodness that I don't have to salivate over such 'English' goodies. Saying that if ever I encounter a French style shop (rare) in the UK I would happily pay over the odds to get my fix of Frenchness!

  11. Actually I hate marmite, but I did buy one of the fray bentos pies last week and it was OK. Not that I used to eat them much in the UK.

    There is nothing I miss UK food wise, I always tend to go with the flow with the country that I am living in.
    I even had pigs balls in Portugal, but I wouldn't knock anyone for craving something they miss.
