1 July 2016

RIP Lulu


Our joy in getting back our old Lulu did not last very long.  We collected her from her hospitalisation at the UK vet's last Friday evening, full of vitality and brought her to France with us on Saturday, but on Tuesday morning I thought I noticed signs that all was not well.

She deteriorated fast, as they had warned us she might.


After her teatime walk on Tuesday she was obviously in distress and took to her bed where she stayed for eighteen hours.  An appointment was made with our vet in Descartes for Wednesday afternoon. 


We got her up at lunchtime and after pottering around the garden she came with us for one of her favourite walks around the lake at La Celle-Guenand.  We all like that walk and it’s on flat ground so not too taxing for a dog that’s feeling poorly.

The vet in Descartes was wonderful.  We showed him the report of her illness and treatment and he said he would take another blood sample.  Our hearts sank.  If we had to wait another two days for the result Lulu would most likely be in a terrible state again by then, and we didn’t want that to happen.

But no, the surgery is well equipped and after a last walk around outside, amongst the flowers and trees, the result was in and showed that her kidneys were in a very poor state.  With no other treatment available and no future for Lulu except pain and feeling ill, we decided to have her put to sleep there and then, before she became as ill and distressed as when we first took her to the vet in Derbyshire.

Anyhow, that’s where we are.  Doing the right thing never feels right afterwards and now we have to adjust to a life without Lulu.  It won’t be easy.


  1. I am sorry to hear this. It is hard when one loses the pets. I did many, many in the last 25 years. BTW, I do rescue works. Love your Daisy.

  2. I am so sorry to read this. She had a lovely life with you, the lucky girl. Been reading your blog for years but have never commented before but I had to say sorry.

  3. Sorry to read about your dear little friend and walking companion Jean.

  4. My heart aches for you. I have been reading your blog for many years, but never commented. Thank you for sharing her with us.

  5. Yes, I'm another who's dipped into your interesting blog now and then as we also holiday in France, and I was shocked to see your so very sad news. I lost my darling cat under similar circumstances and I know your pain, Jean. It felt like my heart was wrenched out. Time, though, will eventually soften and heal and you will be able to think of her with joy in your heart.

  6. Oh, I am so sorry. Lulu looked like one of those dogs who you will always miss, of course.

  7. Lulu was such a wonderful character of dun and laughter Although I am adverse to dogs and did not meet LULU often, she was a happy lady dog whose 'parents' adored her. May she rest where her owners can say Hello and Goodbye again and again to remember the reciprocal joy of life. She was your friend .. a light in the darkness.. plant a tree for your gratitude to her.. Sad for you ...

  8. I like to thing that Lulu and all the pets that we have all lost over the years go th the rainbow bridge.
    So sorry that you have lost her, I know how difficult it must have been for you.

  9. We, and Callie, will miss her. She was a beauty!

  10. I am so sorry to hear about Lulu, and you must be feeling very lost without her. Our Springer Spaniel is still soldering on with his cancer tumour, but he is still lively and pain free so we still have him for now.

  11. So much sadness right now, chez vous and chez nous. Think about the good times with Lulu. That's what I'm trying to do. All the best to you both.

  12. So sad. I'm another of your blog followers who's never commented before. We live in the Drome with our 2 cats. We also lost a cat to kidney failure a year ago and our vet here was wonderful. Lulu was a beautiful dog and will be happily remembered I'm sure.

  13. Hi. So sorry to learn about Lulu's demise. You will be distraught. I have been following your blog for a while as we, too,have a residence secondaire in GP and often had to restrain our dog, Finn, when he was attempting to protect us from Lulu- whilst we enjoyed un pression at either Jean Bart or Prehisto! Anyway, hope the pain eases soon and maybe we will see you in GP.

  14. We can only be better humans for having really loved and been loved by a fine dog. You were both so kind to let her go at the right moment. So sorry for your grief. She was magnificent.

  15. I am so sorry for your loss and understand only too well how heartbroken you will be feeling - my thoughts go out to you both. I have been quietly following your blog for sometime and I felt the need to comment on your loss. I live near Chinon and have a very dear old Springer Spaniel that is not in the best of health and we are making the most of her while we still can. Kind regards to you both xx

  16. I too am saddened at your news. There is no sorrow like that of the death of a pet. We have all been there. I am glad to see you surrounded here with support.

  17. Oh, what ad news to see. I am so sorry for you. What a hard time this is.

  18. RIP Lulu, we will all miss you...
    There will probably be another poodle in Jean and Nick's lives...
    but it will never replace our memories, or theirs, of you...
    you bouncy funbucket!!

  19. I am so sorry for your loss, how sad.

  20. Sad news indeed. If my dad were here he would tell you that she has gone to the Happy Hunting Ground, trees to sniff, rabbits to chase, clear water...

  21. I'm so, so sorry to read about you losing Lulu. I can still see the three of you coming down the road in Loches in 2012 when we met for the very first time in real life. And how happy and bouncy she was frolicking around the garden of your little house in LGP ... Memories to cherish! Take care. Martine x
