19 May 2013


When we were in Le Grand-Pressigny for two weeks at Easter the weather was not good.  After a few days of sunshine and a little warmth to lure us into a false sense of security, the weather turned decidedly chilly and then very wet.

Le Louroux walk1

However, when you have a dog you just have to go for regular walks, especially when you’re on holiday and the dog knows that there are good long walks to be had.  If only we can muster the energy and enthusiasm !!  This is helped along a bit by some determined nudging and pawing, not to mention grumbling and squeaking from Miss Lulu !!

Le Louroux walk2

One of our favourite places to walk is beside the lake at Le Louroux, just a few kilometres north of Ligueil.  It was a grey and chilly afternoon but we togged up in our warm clothes and off we set.

When we got there we found that there was no water in the lake!  Apparently draining the lake every few years is part of the routine management of the eco system.  The bed of the lake had become a large beach, which Lulu enjoyed – lots of new smells to sniff.

 Le Louroux walk3

There were tons of these empty mollusc shells, presumably a kind of fresh water mussel.  The emptying of the lake had not been good for them but would be quite a feast for the birds I expect.

Le Louroux walk4 Le Louroux walk5

The signs of spring were only just emerging, everything seemed much further behind than at previous Easter holidays.  By now it was getting towards the middle of April.

Le Louroux walk6

Le Louroux walk7 Le Louroux walk8 

The rain held off that afternoon and we all enjoyed the exercise.  We are hoping to find everything much greener when we arrive again soon for our late spring holiday.

Le Louroux walk9

One of the nice things about our little of corner of France is that litter is not much of a problem compared to here in Derbyshire.  Even though this is a popular place for visitors, to come for a walk, to do a spot of birdwatching, or a picnic, there is very little rubbish.  The only litter we noticed that day was a discarded shopping list!

Jambon, toastinettes, chicken rillettes, chips (crisps), cheese and gateaux ….. it looks like someone was shopping for a party.  I only hope they dropped the list after they had been to the shops - unless they had a good memory !!

Le Louroux walk9a

On the day we set off back home to England the sun came out and the temperature soared – we had 26°C as we sat on our little terrace eating our last lunch before we hit the road.  We are very much hoping for more of the same when we go back again, very soon !!

Have a good week !!


  1. Well, good luck, and I certainly hope you bring better weather with you. Yesterday was utterly miserable and I got totally saturated on a botany outing. Today is cold and grey. It must change soon...

    1. Susan, I certainly hope so. The year is almost 5/12 over and the nights start drawing in again in five weeks's time !!

    2. The temperature...
      3K from your little abode...
      hasn't risen above...
      12Centipedes all day...
      and we've had another day...
      of rain...
      we are both sitting here...
      staring out of the window...
      and feeling as glum...
      as the weather....
      oh to feel...
      as light as a feather!!

      And it is boring!!!

  2. The lack of spring/summer seems to be almost universal. A follower from Toronto informed me that it's the same there.
    I'm sure the good weather will arrive in France soon and you'll be spoiled. Nice to see Lulu having a great time on her walk!

  3. Can't believe the temperatures at the moment, but the seeds in the veg garden are coming up so it can't be as cold as we think it is! Hope you next break in France is better, as I am sure it will be.

  4. I hope so, too. We are sick of the cold and wet. Ugh!

  5. I would love to have witnessed your drained lake and a country walk devoid of litter! No litter! Sorry had to repeat that as it represents an idyll for me.

  6. I hope that you've also had the weather in Derbyshire that we've enjoyed over the weekend.

    Fingers crossed that it will be the same in France...

    We can't wait! This will be a very special time for you so I expect you are getting very excited.

    1. Gaynor, it's strange isn't it, every so often we have better weather than our friends in the Loire.
      It has indeed been a lovely weekend and you are so right - I am so excited I can barely breathe !!!

  7. Such a lovely plc! Even when the weather isn't perfect. Sure beats the long, snowy winter we had on the prairie of Canada this year.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!
    Bears Noting
    Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

  8. You did have miserable weather, Jean, but at least it wasn't snow. :-) I think we're having better weather in the UK than in France at the moment, but I hope for your sake that changes soon.
