26 November 2023


The weather has finally settled into proper autumn mode.  The endless rain is now behind us and we’re getting some sunshine.  Time to get to grips with some gardening and outdoor chores!

Nick has pruned shrubs, trimmed trees, cut the grass and hedges.  It’s all looking very neat and tidy.  Inside the barn however it’s a different story.

The barn is on the right with the small woodshed attached to it.

The "little house" is the barn that does look a bit like a house, with the picnic shelter attached to the end of it.

The barn and the "little house" have gradually become dumping grounds for all kinds of stuff.  My dad used to call this kind of stuff "rammel".  Some of it is good stuff, i.e. tools and equipment.  A lot of it is junk, i.e. stuff that we don’t want to throw away but don’t really know what to do with.  Because the barn and little house are so huge, a lot of stuff has accumulated and we have not made the best use of the space.  Things have stayed where they landed rather than being put away.

In case you're wondering, the "little house" is not a house at all but another barn.  When we moved here we hoped that one day we would convert it into an actual dwelling.  The previous owners had the foresight to install a window upstairs when the new roof was done, many years ago.  The upstairs is really just a beam structure holding up the roof and there is no actual floor or staircase.  The size of the building would make it ideal to be converted into a one bedroom house; living room and kitchen downstairs with a bedroom and bathroom upstairs.  The thing that has stopped us from doing it so far is, quite simply, the cost.  Inside there are only bare stone walls so everything would need doing.  We did however run pipework to it when the new septic tank was installed, just in case.

The covid years took their toll as we were able to spend so little time in France.  Enjoying ourselves took priority over housework, although we did manage to keep the garden tidy.  At the same time we have had building work going on for all the time we were here for the last three years and that has taken up a lot of our time.  We therefore plead mitigating circumstances to explain the dire state of the barn and little house!

The barn and little house are watertight as the roofs are sound but the way they were constructed leaves a gap between the roof and the walls that allow birds, insects and bats to fly in and out and also leaves and other rubbish to blow in.  Mice can also easily get in so storing things in such a way as they will stay clean and inaccessible to rodents is a challenge.  When the rain had stopped for long enough to take down our lovely new umbrellas we found they were full of wasps so we left them overnight resting on top of the trailer in the barn and by the next day one of them had already been chewed by mice!

It can be repaired but we were mightily annoyed!  The umbrellas now reside inside the house in the little bedroom until we can find a better resting place for them but we were also concerned about Nick's golf bag.  So off we went to Leroy's at Tours and bought three cupboards that look like they will keep the little blighters out!  One large and two small so that stuff that really needs to be kept clean and pristine can go in there.

There have been a couple of frosty nights recently so all the geraniums are safely tucked up indoors and we have planted some nice winter flowers.  In previous years it's not been worth it as we haven't spent the winter here to enjoy them but of course, this year is different.

All work and no play makes for a dull life so we took a day off from the barn project and went to our favourite town, Chinon, to check out the brocante.  This is a dealer's market which takes place every third Sunday of the month.  The prices are consequently higher than at the average village brocante but it's nice to see good stuff instead of all the usual rubbish.

We managed to resist buying this rather fetching sideboard!

The stroll along the river was as always delightful but it was very odd to see the square so empty.

Joan of Arc was looking splendid.

The only thing we bought was a couple of old copper pans.

They were soon hung over our little woodburning stove in the kitchen, for decoration.


  1. How lovely to be able to get into the garden, back in Yorkshire I'm beginning to suspect that it may be March before I venture into mine again

  2. I would like to get my copper pans re surfaced as I still use them but heaven knows where that could be done here. We have had rain all day here - Monday!! Cheers Diane

  3. I like this word' rammel' apparently it is a Yorkshire term for 'junk/useless stuff', and people often have a rammel drawer in the kitchen!
