25 July 2023



This year we joined the walking group that meets every Monday except for during July and August when it's too hot to walk.  Walks moved from afternoons to mornings for the last few weeks of the season and on this day finished up with a light lunch at the house of some friends near Barrou.

Walking around the region makes my heart sing.  It's just so beautiful.

On this sunny morning the farmers were busy getting crops in.

The views are stunning.

It seems to me to be a record year for sunflowers.

I wonder what used to be behind these gates.

This barn must be several hundred years old and still standing.

I'm off back to the UK tomorrow for a whole week.  I'm not looking forward to the journey.

I'm taking the ROP (rattly old Peugeot) back to England where it will stay.  It needs four new tyres which I will organise when I'm there and Nick will take it for its annual MOT when he goes back in September.  I'll be flying back to France courtesy of Ryanair which is how we'll be travelling from now on, except for a longer winter break when we take Hugo and Daisy with us.

Daisy is soldiering on, on a regime of painkillers, eye drops and ointments, administered as and when we can ambush her.  She doesn't do much now, sleeps a lot, but doesn't seem to be distressed, yet.  We wonder if she will still be with us when we go back to the UK in the winter.

I have mixed feelings about this trip.  I know I will hate the roads, the litter and the busyness and will miss the tranquility of the French countryside.  And Nick, Hugo and Daisy of course.  It will be good though to catch up with family and friends.  


  1. Lovely set of photos. Safe trip back, it is only for a week but it would be too long for me, but then I have no family! Take care Diane

  2. Good for you for the walking! I would walk more too with lovely scenery such as you have.

  3. Just back from a fortnight in a villa on the southern edge of the Massif Centrale. Tranquillity but with a threatening edge.
