31 May 2013


smoke rings1 smoke rings2 

Now this is something you don’t see every day.  Oversized smoke rings drifting skywards in the village square.

smoke rings3 smoke rings4  smoke rings6 And this was the culprit.

Yes, those lovely people from the old car and tractor society had been out for a run and returned to line up in the sunshine for us all to admire.  This green one was left with the single cylinder engine running and was bobbing up and down merrily all by itself, producing smoke rings as the engine turned over.

smoke rings7 

smoke rings8

There were other examples of ancient tractors on display.  Two of them were driven by ladies.  Now there’s an idea, now that I have so much time on my hands…………

smoke rings9

It was nice to see the sun last weekend – we’re keeping our fingers crossed for this coming one, too.


  1. I would really like a little old gret Fergie...
    it would just fit over the bridge!!
    The Retros had been to Argenton-sur-Creuse on the Saturday...
    stayed overnight for...
    wait for it...
    a meal!!...
    and back on the Sunday...
    we would have been there with you...
    but the spuds took priority!!!

    But surely...
    now is the time to be looking for that Orange R4L??!

  2. We have an identical grey Fergie (1049) which my husband has lovingly restored, so he was delighted to see these ones in France. Bon week-end.

  3. They're beautiful aren't they? It's great that enthusiasts take such care restoring and maintaining them.

  4. Spent a large part of my youth on a Massey Fergie! I bet they were all younger than me..... I could see you on a tractor in the bike leathers going flat out.... Col

    1. I'm not sure how exciting ,"flat out" can be on a tractor Colin, but at least I would get to see the scenery !!

  5. When smoke rings, how loud is it?

    Blessings and Bear hugs!
    Bears Noting, Life in the Urban Forest (poetry).

    1. Pretty noisy, or at least the source of them was!

  6. I thought at first you were going to talk about Hobbits.

  7. Will you now be living in France fultime now you are retired?

    1. Leon, sadly no, but we can be more flexible about how much time we spend in France, which is good.

  8. What a great way to bop around town. Maybe attach a little awning for those rainy days.
